Donald's Encyclopedia of Popular MusicA B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZKILGORE, Merle(b 9 Aug. '34, Chickasha OK) Country singer, songwriter who has had better luck with his songs recorded by others. Worked as disc jockey in Shreveport while still in school; formed hillbilly band and appeared on Louisiana Hayride '51, local radio in Louisiana and Texas; signed to Imperial '54 and recorded rockabilly without much success. Wrote "More And More', country no. 1 for Webb Pierce '54. Recorded for "D', Starday '50s-early '60s, had small hits "Dear Mama', "Love Has Made You Beautiful'. Wrote hits "Johnny Reb' for Johnny Horton '59, "Wolverton Mountain' for Claud King '62, "Ring Of Fire' for Johnny Cash '63. Recorded for Ashley, Columbia, WB etc; appeared in films Five Card Stud '68, Nevada Smith '66; toured for years with Hank Williams Jr Show, played himself in Living Proof. Albums incl. Tall Texan '63 on Mercury, Ring Of Fire '65 on Hilltop. |