Donald's Encyclopedia
of Popular Music
[ A-Z entries]
Gene Lees’
The Rise And Fall
of Popular Music
[A polemical history]
All Or Nothing At All:
A Life of Frank Sinatra
Billie Holiday: Wishing on the Moon
Jascha Horenstein:
A CD Discography of
the Great Conductor
Donald's Blog
The Rise and Fall of Popular Music
[A polemical history]
Table of Contents
Introduction and Acknowledgements
Chapter 1:
The Origins of Popular Music
Chapter 2:
Minstrelsy, and The War Between the States
Chapter 3:
The Rise of Vaudeville and Tin Pan Alley
Chapter 4:
The Ragtime Era and the Coon Shouters
Chapter 5:
The Early Years of Jazz
Chapter 6:
Broadway and the Golden Age of Songwriting
Chapter 7:
The Jazz Age, the Great Depression, and New Markets: Race and Hillbilly Music
Chapter 8:
Big Band Jazz
Chapter 9:
The Swing Era Begins
Chapter 10:
Small-group Jazz, the Jukebox, and New Independent Labels
Chapter 11:
The 1940s: War and Other Calamities
Chapter 12:
The Early 1950s: Frustration and Confusion
Chapter 13:
Music for Grown-ups
Chapter 14:
Rock'n'roll; or, Black Music to the Rescue (Again)
Chapter 15:
The Abdication of a Generation
Chapter 16:
A Last Gasp of Innocence
Chapter 17:
The 1960s: A Folk Boom, a British Invasion, the Soul Years, and the Legacy of an Era
Chapter 18:
The Heat Death of Pop Music
Chapter 19:
Black Music: Everybody's Still Doing It