Donald's Encyclopedia of Popular MusicA B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZKING SISTERS, TheVocal group, usually known as the Four King Sisters: Alyce, Donna, Louise and Yvonne Driggs, from Salt Lake City; father William King Driggs was a vocal teacher. At first they were a sextet, with another sister and a friend; the quartet joined Horace Heidt '36--8 with no experience, then with Alvino Rey (Louise's husband) '39--43. Biggest of a dozen own hits on Bluebird '41--5 were 'The Hut- Hut Song (A Swedish Serenade)' and 'It's Love-Love-Love' (from film Stars Over Broadway). They had TV show The King Family '60s. Alyce could sing unusually low for a woman, and being a quartet instead of a trio they had a fuller sound, one of the most interesting girl groups of the era. |