Donald's Blog

  This old house was only a few blocks from the state Capitol in Madison, Wisconsin. All the neighborhood cats lived in the basement during the winter. The house has long since been torn down, but in 1972 there were AR2ax speakers in the front room, and a lot of good music was heard there.

«May 2015»

In the 21st century I am just as opinionated as ever, and I now have an outlet. I shall pontificate here about anything that catches my fancy; I hope I will not make too great a fool of myself. You may comment yea or nay about anything on the site; I may quote you here, or I may not. Send brickbats etc. to:


May 16, 2015

Off to Boulder

We're off to the MahlerFest in Boulder to hear two performances of M9 and to see old friends. It might be the last MahlerFest, because the marvelous conductor, Robert Olson, is retiring after more than 20 years. This will be a sad and a happy weekend all at once!


May 16, 2015

Well, what do you know.

In the Times Literary Supplement (April 3), Peter Marshall is reviewing Austen Ivereigh's book The Great Reformer: Francis and the Making of a Radical Pope:

It was at their meeting at Medellín, Colombia, in 1968 that the confederation of Latin American bishops (CELAM) famously announced a "preferential option for the poor", and gave legitimacy to the movement know as liberation theology, which identified sin as residing in oppressive structures as well as individual hearts, and which was subsequently suspected and suppressed under the pontificate of John Paul II for supposedly Marxist leanings. 

Aha! We know that corporations are people, because the U.S. Supreme Court says so, and therefore they must be capable of sin! What's Marxist about that?